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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.23, 178-186
Figure 2 Distribution of coastal lagoon in India
and sea weeds (depth <1), and large vascular plants
and least by phytoplankton.
Coastal lagoon produces averages fisheries yields
of ~100 kg ha–1 yr–1 (Macintosh, 1994; Pauly and
Yanez-Arancibia, 1994).
5 Factors Affecting Coastal Lagoons
Coastal lagoons are significantly influenced by
physical, chemical, geological and biological parameters.
Physical Parameters: Among physical parameters,
precipitation and evaporation are the most significant
guiding forces. Except this other factors that alter the
lagoon condition are sunlight, wind and tide, turbidity
and transparency etc.
Chemical parameters: Among chemical parameters
salinity, nutrient and dissolved oxygen is supposed to
be the significant driving forces that alters the
chemistry of the lagoon in a great extent.
Geological Parameters: Geologically the lagoon is
influenced by littoral drift and ground water discharge
catchment influx and marine water intrusion as the
inlet or lagoon mouth is greatly depended up of the
coastal geomorphologic process.
Biological Parameters: Biologically the lagoon habitat
is extremely influenced by nine factors such as (i)
phytoplankton, (ii) zooplankton, (iii) benthic organism,
(iv) submerged aquatic vegetation (v) macrophytes,
(vi) shell fish and finfish, (vii) birds, (viii) Dolphins
and (ix) microbes.
6 Why Coastal Lagoon is Highly Productive?
Coastal lagoons receive nutrient rich silt borne fresh
water from riverine source derived from deltaic region