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International Journal of Horticulture. 2015, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1-8
periods between April 2011 to January 2012, the
turmeric export from India was 67, 000 tonnes valued
at 6438 million and contributed to 12.8 per cent of
total spice export (Satya Sundaram, 2012). Though,
India leads in production of turmeric with 78 per cent
of global production, its average productivity is quite
low, mainly due to the competition offered by weeds.
Weeds are the most severe and widespread biological
constraint to crop production and cause invisible damage
till the crop is harvested. Heavy infestation of weeds
comprising of grasses, sedges and broadleaved weeds
poses a big challenge for turmeric production in India.
Verma and Singh (1997) observed that plant height,
leaves plant-1, fresh and dry weight of plant were
significantly higher under weed free condition in
onion. In onion, Dandge and Satao (1999) found that
weed free treatment recorded maximum plant height
and number of leaves plant-1. Vora and Mehta (1999)
indicated that maximum number of leaves plant-1 and
neck thickness was recorded under weed free check in
garlic. In turmeric, the maximum number of plant
height, number of leaves plant-1, number of tillers
plant-1, dry matter production, leaf area and LAI were
observed in weed free check plots due to reduction in
weed population as noticed by Mannikeri (2006) and
Babu (2008). According to Kaur et al. (2008),
unweeded control recorded lesser leaf area index than
all other herbicide treatments in turmeric.
Pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 1.0
recorded higher LAI, LAD, CGR and NAR in
turmeric (Channappagoudar et al., 2013). Herbicides
are the key products in sustaining large scale
agricultural production but in order to minimize
agro-environmental concerns regarding their use,
continued assessment of their behaviour under
different management practices is required. Chemical
weed control is a better supplement to conventional
method and forms an integral part of the modern crop
production. It is quick, more effective, time and labour
saving method than others (Tahir et al., 2009).
Presently a number of herbicides like pendimethalin,
metribuzin and oxyfluorfen etc. are commercially
available for weed control in turmeric. Being a long
duration crop, pre-emergence herbicides alone will not
provide a sustainable and effective weed management.
Based on the above constraints, we are taken the
objective of study the efficacy of pre and post
emergence herbicides in IWM on weed control and
morphological growth of turmeric.
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Materials
Field experiments were carried out during kharif 2012
at Agricultural Research Station, Bhavanisagar of
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, to evaluate the
integrated weed management with pre and post
emergence herbicides in turmeric. The details of the
experiment, the materials used and the methods
employed during the course of investigation are
presented in this chapter.
Soil characteristics
Composite soil sample was collected at random prior
to the experiment, pooled and analysed for physico-
chemical characteristics. The soil of the experimental
field was red sandy loam in texture belonging to
. The nutrient status of the field was low in
available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus
and high in available potassium. The detailed
physico-chemical properties of the experimental field
are furnished in Table 1.
The experiments were conducted during
(May-June) season, 2012.
Crop and variety
Turmeric variety BSR 2 with a duration of 240-245
days was selected for this study and the seeds were
procured from ARS, Bhavanisagar. The characteristic
features of the variety BSR 2 are presented in Table 2.
1.2 Experimental Methods
Design and layout
The experiments were laid out in Randomized block
design comprised of fifteen treatments. The treatments
were replicated thrice. The lay out plan of the
experimental field during 2012. The experimental
details are furnished below (Table 3; Table 4).
2 Result and Discussion
Turmeric is a long duration crop. Delayed emergence,
slow initial growth of the crop and ample land space
available due to wider spacing permit more sunlight to