IJH-2017v7n8 - page 10

International Journal of Horticulture, 2017, Vol.7, No. 8, 54-63
Higher starch index
(5.8) in fruits packed in 3 ply Beer cartons might be due to more physical damage resulted
more conversion of starch into reducing sugars. At maturity stage, average blush intensity was 62.5% with respect
to packaging materials. Blush intensity
increased during transportation and storage (Figure 2). Highest blush
(77.5%) in 3 ply Beer cartons while lowest (75.0%) in others might be due to absence of ventilation by
which anaerobic condition favors fermentation and conversion of chlorophyll into colored pigments.
Figure 2 Quality parameters of Red delicious apple before transportation and after one month storage (5±1°C, 95% RH) at Bheri cold
store, Kohalpur, Banke, Nepal for two consecutive years (2013-2014)
3.6 Economic Analysis
Minimum postharvest loss (5.5% ) was observed in 7 ply 180 psi CFB boxes (improved practice) while maximum
(20.0% ) in 3 ply Beer cartons (existing practice). Lowest net return (NRs 200000 per truckload) was observed in
3 ply Beer cartons while highest (NRs 270625 per truckload) in 7 ply 180 psi CFB boxes. With prospects of loss
reduction, improved packaging method sounds the best technology. PLW (3.8%), spoilage loss (10.7%), losses
due to 50% decrease in the market value of fruits was 5.5% in 3 ply Beer cartons making a total of 20.0% loss
which was reduced to 5.5% in 7 ply 180 psi CFB boxes. Economic analysis shows that higher BC Ratio (1.8) was
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