IJH-2017v7n10 - page 7

International Journal of Horticulture, 2017, Vol.7, No. 10, 75-81
development of information technology and Precision Agriculture and attention to PA development in strategic
plans (Managerial field), improving general and technical knowledge of agricultural beneficiaries and experts
(human resources)(Bagheri and Bordbar, 2014).
2.3 Precision agriculture on small farms
Precision agriculture is not for big agriculture companies only: studies have demonstrated that by using precision
agricultural techniques, the increase in yields remain proportionate between large and small plots of land.
Moreover, with a significant decrease of the price of technology, precision agriculture is little by little becoming
affordable even to smallholder farmers, who are the ones providing "over 80 per cent of the food consumed in
large parts of the developing world, particularly Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa". Information
Communication Technologies (ICTs)play a key role in precisión agriculture: for instance, by integrating GPS
(Global Positioning System) and wireless technology into production processes, farmers are able of knowing the
exact the amount of fertilizer, water, etc., needed for each portion of land, so to maximize the yield per acre
(Rodriguez, 2014).
Knob 2006 performed a work dedicated to the implementation of technical precision farming on a small property
where I was concerned to manage an area of 10.9 hectares and found generally that the tools of precision
agriculture can help producers make better and more detail each parcel of property destninada agricultural
activities allowing increased production efficiency through management and rational use of inputs, reducing costs
and increasing productivity.
Precision agriculture as it becomes a work methodology allows small producers to become less dependent on
external inputs exploitation, improving the sustainability of small producers (Landau et al., 2014).
There are many obstacles to adoption of precision farming in developing countries in general and India in
particular. Some are common to those in other regions but the others arespecific to Indian conditions are as
follows;Culture and perceptions of the users, Small farm size, Lack of success stories, Heterogeneity of cropping
systems and market imperfections, Land ownership, infrastructure and institutional constraints, Lack of local
technical expertise, Knowledge and technical gaps, Data availability, quality and costs(Shanwad et al., 2004).
3 Results
3.1 Precision agriculture in Mexico
Globally as an indicator there are about 20 countries that have incorporated intelligent systems and automatizacos
in the application of agricultural inputs including the United States stand with 30,000 Argentina 1200, Brazil with
250, UK 400, Paraguay 4 and Mexico with zero (López , 2012).
3.1.1 Research
In the Antonio Narro Agrarian Autonomous University has given impetus to research in precision agriculture in
the department of agricultural machinery and developed the following equipment; The whole transducer
developed with two octagonal sensors extended ring with adjustable mounting at the bottom bar and a third sensor
on top of the same bar. With a height differential between sensors allowing through a addition and subtraction
analysis of deformations product of the magnitude and position of the ground reaction forces to tillage to measure
the pulling force, the timing and weight transfer to the rear axle of the tractor.
The cart carries sensors developed double bars depth control system, to be coupled to different sensors to measure
some physical properties agricultural soils, such as: resistance to penetration and soil failure, permissiveness and
tillage power requirements.
The evaluation system of metering precision seed allows monitoring the quality and efficiency of metering
mechanisms for service industry agricultural machinery as well as facilitate the teaching and research systems
varying doses of seeds, planting prescriptions changes (Campos et al., 2014).
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