IJA-2017v7n8 - page 7

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2017, Vol.7, No.8, 57
highest SGR was obtained at blue and red led light , comparatively to the white light and control group used in
this experiment (p<0.05). No mortality was recorded through the whole experiment period.
Figure 1 Specific growth rate of fragments of
spp. after 30 days under different illuminations. Values are expressed by
means of mean ± SEM (n = 5)
3.2 Zooxanthellae density
The density of zooxanthellae (individuals per gram of coral tissue dry weight) of mother colonies and coral
fragments is shown on the Figure 2. At the start of the experiment (mother colonies) the zooxanthellae
concentration was 1.067± 2.414. At end of the experiment the concentration was ±, ± and ± for white, blue and
red light spectrum, respectively. No significance differences were noted between the concentration of
zooxanthellae of mothers colonies and the corals exposed under different light spectrums (p>0.005) and between
corals exposed under different light spectrums (p>0.05). Moreover no differences was obtained between the
zooxanthellae density of the side initial fragmented and the opposite side, non-fragmented (p>0.005).
Figure 2 Zooxanthellae density (per gram of coral dry weight) in fragments of
spp. after 30 days (from the side initial
fragmented and other the opposite side, non-fragmented) of exposure at different illuminations. Values are expressed by means of
mean ± SEM (n = 5)
4 Discussions
The development of reliable and sustainable hatchery procedures for the captive breeding of reef fishes is now
becoming essential to reduce pressure on wild populations. In addition, the rearing organisms in closed systems is
likely to lead to the production of hardier specimens that are far better in captivity and survive longer (Pomeroy et
al., 2006; Olivotto et al., 2011). The aquaculture of ornamentals organisms can only be achieved through
combination of science and technology in order to develop current techniques for ornamental aquaculture, in fact
despite the exponential growth of marine ornamental market very few species are presently cultured (Olivotto et
al., 2011).
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