IJA-2016v6n5 - page 9

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2016, Vol.6, No.5, 1
classes were varied between a smallest one at 10.5 cm to a largest one 18.2 cm TL for both sex. For female the
most representative length class was 15 to 15.9 cm TL. The lowest representative class for both sexes was 10 to
10.9 cm TL but for male the most representative length class was 14 to 14.9 cm, while the most representative
length classes during the study were 13, 14 and 15 cm TL classes which clearly appeared by chart middle
dominance values. There was no male representative in large length classes 18 cm TL; only females occupied this
class (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Length frequency distribution of
L. carinata
in Suez Bay
In the present study the minimum and maximum length was recorded for all individuals was (10.5 - 18.2 cm), this
is in agreement with (Hakimelahi et al., 2010) which recorded the same minimum and maximum length at (10 -
18.3 cm) respectively, although lengths of 20 cm was reported by (Carpenter et al., 1997), the maximum length
was recorded for the same species was 22.5 cm and 23 cm by (Valinasab et al., 2006; Hashemi et al., 2013) in
Khouzestan water, respectively. The morphological and reproductive characteristics, population sizes and genetic
frequencies of species are adjusted to their environments by natural selection and species inhabiting different
environments show different patterns of life history characteristics (Adams, 1980).
Females in the present study showed high aboundance in large sizes more than males, which confirmed with
(Lawson et al., 2010) for the same species, (Albieri and Araújo, 2010) for
Mugil liza
and (Kasimoǧlu et al. 2011)
L. ramada
3.3 Length at first sexual maturity (L
) for female and male
L. carinata
Length was a good indicator of maturity by the presence of a strong relationship between length and maturity
farther more information of the mean size of at which individuals reached sexual maturity is valuable for the
control of exploitation. The length of male and female
L. carinata
at first sexual maturity (L
) was determined by
the percentage distribution of mature and immature fishes for each length group. The females of 12 cm length are
immature. The mature females appeared with percentage abundance 40 % at 13 cm length. The percentage of
mature females
L. carinata
increased to reach L
at length 14.3 cm. All females at length 17 cm were mature
(Figure 4).
The males of less than 12 cm length are immature. At length 12 cm the mature male appeared with a percentage of
45 % and increased gradually to reach percentage 50 % at length of 12.5 cm. At length 16 cm all male became
sexually mature (Figure 5). Concluded from these results in the present work that females
L. carinata
reach sexual
maturity at larger size than the males, similar to the result of (Hoda and Qureshi, 1989) on the same species from
Pakistan and (Abou-Seedo and Stephen, 2004) from Kuwaiti waters, and with slight decrease from (Hakimelahi et
al., 2011) which recorded L
for female of
L. klunzingeri
at (15.4 cm), but with slight increase from (Lawson et al.
2010) which recorded L
for (males – females) at (11.6 - 12.1 cm), respectively. It is implied as it is also evident
from the current study that males mature earlier therefore their growth in slower that female’s similar result
recorded by
Lembros et al., 2014; El-Ganainy et al., 2014). As a result of the high energy they need in earlier
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...20
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