IJA -2016v6n14 - page 8

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2016, Vol.6, No.14 1
Munida semoni
Ortmann, 1894
Note: Uppar part of Sternum
2.2 Distribution
The present record of this species is collected from the incidental by-catch in the trawl catch off Thoothukudi coast of
Gulf of Mannar from India.
Munida semoni
is widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific from
, New Caledonia,
Vanuatu and Futuna islands 180-440 m (Macpherson and Baba, 1993; Macpherson, 1996a; Macpherson, 1999b); Fiji
and Tonga, 135
417 m.
2.3 Diagnostics
The specimen examined agrees quite well with the original description and figures provided by Baba (1988) (Figure
2). Carapace, excluding rostrum, slightly longer than wide (Figure 3). Transverse ridges mostly interrupted.
Secondary striae present Epigastric region with row of 6 pairs of spines flanking 2 unpaired spines behind rostrum,
largest pair directly behind supraocular spines. Fourth thoracic sternite with several short arcuate striae; fifth to
seventh sternites without striae and granules (Figure 6). Pereopod 1 and 2 are absent.
2.4 Description
Ground colour of carapace and abdomen light orange, with large reddish spots scattered on dorsal surfaces. Rostrum
and supraocular spines light orange. Chelipeds and walking legs with reddish and whitish bands. Base of fingers
whitish; distal part of carpus, merus and hand reddish.
2.5 Remarks
The specimens examined agree quite well with the original description and figures provided by Baba (1988) (Figure
2), identical to
Munida heteracantha
Ortmann. In the type material examined of
M. semoni
, however, the granules on
the seventh thoracic sternite, characteristic of
M. heteracantha
are absent.
M. semoni
is close to
M. oritea
sp. Nov.
from the Philippines and
M. striola
sp. Nov. from Japan and Indonesia.
One specimen (total length 52 mm; carapace length 17 mm; weighing about 5 gm) collected from Thoothukudi beach
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12
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