GAB-2016v7n4 - page 9

Genomics and Applied Biology 2016, Vol.7, No.4, 1-8
several samples from the same IC over time. But for precision, the age of measurement or sampling should be
indicated. The high repeatability found in this study, could enhance animal welfare especially on invasive blood
sampling procedures and reduce cost especially to immunological assays that are very expensive.
In plasma of mature cows, however, repeatability of total Nabs against LPS, LTA and PGN was estimated to be
0.79, 0.80 and 0.93 respectively, and 0.60 for Nab binding KLH (Ploegaert et al. 2010). In milk, the repeatability
estimates of nabs for LPS, LTA, PGN and KLH were 0.74, 0.81, 0.84 and 0.85 respectively (Ploegaert et al.,
2010). In another study in cows, repeatability estimates of daily milk, fat and protein yields in cows ranged from
0.63 to 0.83 at different stage of lactation (Vanconcelos et al. 2004). These estimates although comparable to the
IC study could not be legitimately used to expound on one another. This is because chicken and cattle are
genetically distinct species and possess different genetical physiology. Moreso, the parameter of repeatability
estimates are different with respect to samples and secondary antibody used, duration of experiment and
experimental conditions. Generally, binding of serum Nabs to KLH a model antigen that teresterial animal has
never encountered might reflect immune competency. Therefore well designed studies are required to test this
hypothesis. The polygenic and nonspecific nature of Nabs in the host would probably deal with a plethora of
epitopes in pathogens and may cooperate with other immune cells and compliment other immune proteins in
combating diseases.
5 Conclusion
Natural antibodies isotypes IgA, IgG and IgM binding KLH were detected in blood serum of IC. The Nabs titers
were variable within the IC and highly repeatable for IgA, IgG and IgM. Both isotypes can be used for further
studies to explore association with disease resistance.
The authors are grateful to the Indigenous Chicken Improvement Programme (InCIP), Innovations For Livestock Industry (iLINOVA)
Projects in Kenya financed by the European Commission.
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