CGG-2016V7N1 - page 4

Cotton Genomics and Genetics 2016, Vol.7, No.1, 1-7
Research Report
Open Access
Effect of Biofertilizers on Growth and Yield of Cotton in Different Soil
Alim Pulatov
, Shavkat Amanturdiev
, Khudayberdi Nazarov
, Maksud Adilov
, Botir Khaitov
1 Centre of EcoGIS, Tashkent Irrigation and Melioration Institute, Uzbekistan
2 Department of Genetics, Selection and Seed Production of Agricultural Crops, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
3 Department of Plant Science, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
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Cotton Genomics and Genetics 2016, Vol.7, No.1 doi:
Received: 09 Feb., 2016
Accepted: 25 Mar., 2016
Published: 01 Apr., 2016
Pulatov et al.,This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article
Pulatov A., Amanturdiev S., Nazarov K., Adilov M., and Khaitov B., 2016, Effect of biofertilizers on growth and yield of cotton in different soil conditions,
Cotton Genomics and Genetics, 7(1): 1-7 (doi:
Cotton production in Uzbekistan has been decreasing due to the increase of impact soil salinization last three-four
decades. The use of bacterial fertilizers has been considered as an environmentally friendly method to improve cotton yield and soil
conditions. The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of local produced bacterial fertilizers simultaneously at two sites with
moderate saline and non saline soil conditions in Uzbekistan. Our study demonstrated that the seed treatment of cotton plants with
plant growth promoting bacterial fertilizers BIST, Yer Malxami, Subtin and Fitobisol had positive impact to the germination, growth
and yield of cotton both saline and non saline conditions. The field experiments reveals bacterial fertilizers BIST and Subtin
significantly (p<0.05) increased the field seed germination (15%), total shoot and root dry weight (13%~27%), and yield (15%~20%)
of cotton in saline soil. On the basis of results, it may be concluded that these beneficial bacterial fertilizers are potential option for
improvement of cotton growth and yield in both salinated and not saline soils of Uzbekistan.
Cotton; Growth; Yield; Bacterial fertilizers; Saline soil
The main threat to crop production in many countries is salinization (Munns and Tester, 2008) and 33% of the
world’s potential arable land already affected by salinity in different level, whereas 950 million ha of salt-affected
lands occur in arid and semi-arid regions including almost 60% cotton fields of Uzbekistan (FAO, 2008. www. Although, the cotton is considered one of the most salt tolerant crop in arid regions but
the increasing of salination retards it’s growth and yield seriously. The increase of salinity caused by irrigation of
cultivated lands with saline water, poor agricultural management and drainage systems, and low precipitation. In
Uzbekistan, by 1990 the area of the irrigated lands has increased by 1, 6 times, as much as the agriculture
production has increased, although salinity and drought became the main factors of crop losses that causing a
concern in coping with increasing food requirements (Shanker and Venkateswarlu, 2011; Davranova et al
Moreover, the massive use of agrochemicals has damaged the natural resources and environment in Aral Sea basin
of Uzbekistan which is almost impossible to recover in the future. The ability of plants to take up water are
inhibited by salinity stress, causing ion imbalance and, in turn, resulting in a reduction of root and shoot growth
(Munns, 2002). Several reports indicated that salinization is the serious threat to sustainable agricultural crop
production system and to soil resources (Egamberdiyeva et al
2007). The improving soil quality and fertility by
novel technologies is pivotal for the increase of cotton production in Uzbekistan. Importance of bacterial
fertilizers is increasing in worldwide, as it may substantially reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
which often contribute to the pollution of crop fields and environmental ecosystems (Egamberdieva, 2012).
Current study revealed the prospects of local produced biofertilizers to increase cotton production and it’s
capabilities to improve growing condition of cotton in both favourable and salinated arid conditions of Uzbekistan.
Moreover, these potential biological fertilizers protect the environment as eco-friendly and cost effective inputs
for the farmers, also reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.
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