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Medicinal Plant Research 2014, Vol.4, No.3, 18
Figure 1 Research site of the study area
area the climatic, physiognomic and plant life
disturbance was designated with ecological
characteristics. The life form spectra are supposed to
be the signal of micro and macroclimate (Shimwell,
1971; Agrawal, 1989). Literature dealing with the life
form and leaf size spectra shows that very little work
has been made in Pakistan i.e. Abbas et al. (2010),
Qureshi and Ahmad (2010) and Khan et al. (2011a;
2011b; 2012; 2013). The biological spectrum is thus
useful as an index of the health status of flora. When
worked out at periodic intervals, biological spectrum
may set the guidelines for eco-restoration and
optimization of a community. In view of this, the
present work was under taken in the areas of Tehsil
Katlang, Mardan.
Field survey and collection of plants were completed
2012-2013. The current result reveled that 165 plant
species belonging to 54 families and 124 genera were
initiate in the area. Along with these presented 124
herbs, 27 trees and 14 shrub species. Asteraceae and
was the dominant with 18 species followed by Poaceae
with 16 species then Amaranthaceae, Solanaceae both
by 8 species, Moraceae, Laminaceae, Euphorbiaceae
and Cucurbitaceae by means of 6 species. Rosaceae,
Polygonaceae, Papilionacee and Brassicaceae had 5
species each. Zygophyllaceae, Rutaceae, Myrtaceae,
Chenopodiaceae and Alliaceae had 4 species each.
Mimosaceae, Malvaceae and Cyperaceae had 3 species
each one. Verbenaceae, Papaveraceae, Nyctaginaceae,
Liliaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Boraginaceae, Asclepiada-
ceae and Apiaceae each and every one had 2 species
while the remaining families had 1 specie each one
(Table 1). The biological spectrum explains that
therophytes (78 spp., 47.27%), chamaephytes (29 spp.,
17.58%), megaphanerophytes (26 spp., 15.76%),
hemicryptophytes (14 spp., 8.48%), nanophanero-
phytes (13 spp., 7.88%), cryptophytes (Geophytes) (04
spp., 2.42%), parasite (1 spp., 0.61%) had originated in
the investigated area. Leaf spectra of plants consisted
of microphylls (78 spp., 47.27%), mesophylls (34 spp.,