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International Journal of Horticulture 2014, Vol.4, No.5, 20
Highest benefit: cost ratio was recorded in apple trees
intercropped with pea (1.71) followed by cabbage (1.41),
red clover (1.40) and frenchbean (1.39), respectively
(Table 5). This was mainly due to additional yield of pea,
seed production of cabbage, red clover and French bean
and also their better marketing price. These findings are
in congruence with Kishore et al. (1997).
From the foregoing discussion, it can be concluded that
apple trees intercropped with pea, red clover and french
bean resulted in better productivity, quality and leaf
nutrient status and proved to be beneficial for
sustainable development of farmers also as they have
provided more returns.
Materials and Methods
The investigations were carried out at the
Experimental Farm of SKUAST-Kashmir, Ambri Apple
Research Station, Pahnoo, Distt. Shopian (Jammu and
Kashmir) during the years 2008 and 2009 on apple cv.
Red Delicious. The experiment was laid out in a
randomized block design with eight treatment
combinations. There were three replications and 4 plants
per plot. Floral character like initial bloom and full
bloom were recorded as dates of opening of flowers
(about 10% flowering in initial bloom and about 80% in
full bloom). The recorded dates were converted into
days after reference date which was fixed arbitrarily as
March 1
. Per cent fruit set of each experimental plot
was calculated at fruitlet stage by using the formula
suggested by Westwood (1993). Fruit maturity was
recorded from date of full bloom to the date when the
fruit was actually harvested. Fruit yield was calculated
by weighing all the fruits harvested individually from
each experimental tree and average yield was expressed
as kg/tree. Fruit weight was determined by individually
weighing the fruits obtained from each experimental
plant on a common monopan balance and the average
weight was recorded. Fruit volume was determined by
water displacement method.
Leaf total nitrogen content was determined by
Micro-Kjeldhal method (A.O.A.C., 1980), total
phosphorus by vanado-molybodophophoric yellow
colour method (Jackson, 1967) and total potassium by
flame photometer. Ca
and Mg
ions in leaf were
estimated on Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
The data obtained was subjected to the statistical
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